Idag genomförs Teknikveckan på BTH. De deltagande eleverna får testa på olika aktiviteter i våra labb under handledning av personal och studenter från högskolan. Teknikveckan är ett initiativ av Karlskrona kommun och ett antal företag.…
Value Innovation projects 2018
The 2018 edition of the MT2554 Value innovation course featured a total of 8 projects in collaboration with 5 company partners. The course is offered to students in the Master Programme of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Economy.…
Congratulation to Jojje and Sebastian! Awarded for excellent…
Jojje Sundblad and Sebastian Tuma Fischer have been awarded for the excellent quality of their master thesis, run in collaboration with PDRL research partner Dynapac.
Öppet Makerspace vid luncher
Våra "MakerNinjas" Johan Bruce och Alexander Croon finns på plats i Makerspace varje tisdag samt fredag under lunchtid. Oavsett vilket program du går, kom och ställ frågor om Innovation Labs!
Augment skills and knowledge of engineering students through…
The engineer of the 21st century is expected to possess a broad range of skills and abilities. Besides more traditional technical knowledge and engineering skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, creativity, and design makes its way…
Makerspace case: NKT HV Cables AB
Karlskrona Makerspace explores, together with NKT HV Cables AB, the usefulness of additive manufacturing in prototyping as well as producing tools and fixtures. [caption id="attachment_501" align="alignnone" width="300"] Prototype, NKT HV Cables AB[/caption]
Design Thinking course 2018 completed
This year’s iteration of the Design Thinking course (MT2547) has completed with a Design Expo at BTH where the students presented and demonstrated their results to other student peers, teaching staff, and general public as…
För att på ett bättre sätt kunna stödja er som arbetar i våra innovationsmiljöer så har vi tagit hjälp av studenter med intresse och erfarenhet av ”making”. Vi kallar denna nya roll i vårt Makerspace…