Challenge: Accurately detect a full hit from a grazing shot on an electronic ice hockey target and give this feedback in real time to the shooter. Solution:After the research phase was concluded, two different electronic ice…
BTH fixar skyddsvisir till personal inom vården
3D-skrivarna på Blekinge tekniska högskola går för högtryck för att ta fram skyddsvisir till vården. Många frivilliga anmäler sig för att hjälpa till.
LARM system – At home monitoring system
Challenge: To help creative innovative solutions for Landstinget Blekinge for patients to get at home healthcare / solutions for mobile teams. Solution:Sensors that collect data from the user and communicate to the user via an app.…
Makerspace Youth | 2013
Makerspace Youth is a project aiming at enhancing the skills and knowledge of younger unemployed persons to make them; more attractive to the market; find interest in technology; try and work with new technologies. …