Makerspace on the road

During two days we put the makerspace on wheels together with Kreativum in order to bring the concept pf creation with technology to the younger kids in Blekinge County. We visited two schools (Kättilsmåla skola and Hobyskolan)…

Unga “makers” när Språkskolan var på besök…

Teknikintresse och intresse för att skapa dina lösningar på problem hellre än att gnälla över dåliga produkter är något som sätts bäst i tidiga åldrar. Forskningslabbet hade i dag besök av Språkskolans årskurs 3 (10-åringar)…

LittleBits Star Wars Bitwars event

A saturday morning, young apprentices gathered at the BTH Karlskrona Makerspace for a day of deep dive into Star Wars themed LittleBits play! Fueled by theme music, and 1st generation fans (coaches, parents etc.) they immediately started…

LittleBits school workshop

During a day, 9th grade kids were invited for an innovation workshop. Exploring efficiency (through assembling a torch faster and faster), planning, and innovation was the task at hand. Using littleBits, Lego Mindstorms, 3D printing…

Karlskrona Makerspace a littleBits Global Chapter | 2015

We recently added littleBits to our Karlskrona Makerspace as a rapid prototyping resource. Now we have officially become a global chapter in the littleBits programme; littleBits Karlskrona chapter. This means that we will host continuous programming and at least eight events per year.…

Adding littleBits to the prototyping experience

Prototyping is at the heart of our engineering education. With resources (via our Karlskrona Makerspaceenvironment) we are now adding the littleBits to our library. LittleBits are electronic circuits that snap together and in an instant you build circuits,…